Cosmo Danchin-Hamard


Cosmo Danchin-Hamard


Cosmo is French illustrator with a graphic universe inspired by comics and pop art. Her portraits show a piercing vision of young women today.



Dead Fish


In the midst of a crimson-clad bar, the chiaroscuro of light and shadows danced erratically, painting a scene as provocative as the mysteries it concealed. Against this labyrinth of scarlet hues, a woman stood out, cocktail in hand, her gaze as intoxicating as the drink she held. Her words sliced through the low hum of idle chatter like a sharp knife through water, "Only dead fish go with the flow." A sense of intrigue permeated the air, tinging the thick, red ambiance with an additional layer of suspense. As the words left her lips, they hung in the air. A physical print is linked to this NFT. 85 x 60 cm full aluminum print expertly crafted by Solid NFT in Paris, France. This exclusive print was unveiled for the first time during « The Portrait at the Dawn of Web3, Reinventing a Genre », an exhibition curated and produced by 1703.


Whose Side


A woman stares at the viewer. She exudes a certain power as she thinks defiantly: "Why does my own brain kills my vibe, like WTF, whose side are you even on?" This femme fatale navigates the labyrinth of her own mind, confronting her desires, morals, and determination.